Faith · Uncategorized

Paid in Full


Today I need this reminder from my adult coloring book, Live Loved.

No matter what kind of day you have had. Whether you have been dragged down by the damp weather or find yourself happy as a lark, remember that God loves you. When you feel alone or like you’ve messed up so badly that no one could forgive you or love you remember that the price for you has already been paid. Your life was paid-in-full long before you ever messed up and when you fall short of who you think you should be know that you were forgiven long before the folly.

If God loves you that much you deserve to love yourself as well.


Faith · Uncategorized

Love and Grace


This Sunday morning my husband is on the road with a basketball show and I am nursing my daughter back to health after an ear infection. This winter has brought sickness after sickness for my little girl, but on Friday we received some potential answers as to why. It looks like our little girl has allergies and all of these upper respiratory issues lately are rooted in that condition.

For the third time in the past month I’m missing church again today so I won’t be posting a Covenant message. However, I do look forward to catching up via podcast later in the week.

Today, my message was brought to me from my biblical coloring book, Live Loved.

Jeremiah 31:3- I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Because God loves us with an everlasting love it means that He always has and always will continue to love us. No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done His love for each of us is eternal. His unfailing kindness refers to the fact that while we may not deserve it He has chosen to love us anyway.

When God looks at us He chooses not to see our sins and mistakes. Out of His unfailing kindness He chose GRACE. And His grace covers all of our weaknesses.

I’m so thankful for a God who loves, forgives, and covers us with grace!

The Ameri Brit Mom