Happy Thanksgiving

-You are a supportive community of readers who encourage me with your friendship -You are a family of readers and writers who chase your passions -Some have supported The Ameri Brit Mom for years and others for days, but each of you is important to the story of this business -You understand the importance ofContinue reading “Happy Thanksgiving”

Thankfulness Bookmark

How is it already November? I am thankful for the seasonal shifts in our annual calendar and the way that each month brings with it a new focus. In the United States, November is a month of thankfulness as we prepare for the Holiday season. We gather together in community with those we are mostContinue reading “Thankfulness Bookmark”

Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter, Of all the things that I am in this life I’m proudest to be called your mother. In everything you bring me joy and help me to learn the significance of life, love, and learning. Everyday I awake with gratitude for you and your father. I hop out of bed eager to seeContinue reading “Dear Daughter”