
The Next Chapter

It’s been a while.

And today I feel ready to explain where I’ve been since taking a few steps back from The Ameri Brit Mom in January. First of all, it had been my intention to spend the beginning of 2023 focusing on myself and family. However, my two weeks off turned to twelve when I received some surprising news just before the turn of the New Year.

I am expecting my third baby in August of 2023!

I laid low during the first trimester for several reasons:

-Those first weeks of pregnancy kicked my butt. I was exhausted at all times and so I listened to my body and slept as often as I could.

-I was afraid if I kept going with posts that somehow I would let slip about my news, and I really wanted to wait until the second trimester to confirm any suspicions.

-I had some complications with my last pregnancy in 2018 and I am considered high risk. There are a lot of appointments, medications, and fears already surrounding this pregnancy and I just wasn’t ready to share that journey yet.

Now that I am safely nestled into the second trimester I am feeling good. My energy levels are higher and I’m handling appointments, medications, and fears a lot better than before.

I am excited to share with you that this baby is a BOY! He is already so loved and has two amazing big sisters who will spoil him once he joins our family.

2023 didn’t start the way I envisioned it, but I must say that now that I’ve had time to process and adjust that I am excited for the trajectory the year is sending me on. A few of the BIG projects I had planned for the year may get pushed back a bit, but I still have exciting things to bring to the site and business in the coming months.

Thanks for continuing to support The Ameri Brit Mom, and I cannot wait to share this new chapter with you!

The Ameri Brit Mom

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