
He’s Here!

On August 4th we welcomed our third child.

Camden was 7lb 7oz and 18 inches. His big sisters were over the moon to meet him and smothered him with love. My recovery post-Cesarian has been smooth, and now that we are a month out from delivery, I am starting to feel like myself again.

We are a blessed family and the miracle of life is not lost on us. Our family unit is complete after the birth of our healthy baby boy. Although he was quite the surprise we cannot imagine life without him already. Right now, he is becoming more alert and responsive to the world around him. He makes friends with ceiling fans in any room he visits, and he’s starting to smile when he hears voices he recognizes (or passes gas.) Camden is such a calm and cuddly baby, and I can’t get enough of these quiet moments together.

Over the next several months I plan to get back into a routine of regularly publishing posts and working with my writing and editing services business. However, bonding with my baby and family is my top priority right now. Thanks for your continued support for my work and my words and I am excited for upcoming opportunities and projects that I’ll be sharing more about in the future.

The Ameri Brit Mom

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