Short Story: Allegations

This short story was submitted to a contest through The Short Fiction Break. It is written according to contest guidelines and following a prompt provided by judges. It is a YA piece. ********************** Allegations by: Lauren Sisley Everyone else in the room decided I was guilty. I wondered if trying to persuade them otherwise wasContinue reading “Short Story: Allegations”

Lesson From An Aspiring Author: Always Write

This week at my SCBWI meeting in the Central South Ohio Regional Chapter we had an author visit from Jennifer Maschari, author of The Remarkable Journey of Charlie Price. Throughout her presentation, Jen focused a lot on publishing. It was really helpful to hear from someone who has gone through the process before and who isContinue reading “Lesson From An Aspiring Author: Always Write”

Thin Space: A Book Review

Title: Thin Space Author: Jody Casella Publisher: Simon Pulse Copyright Date: 2013  (photo from Amazon) A few months after the car accident that stole away his twin, Marshall is desperate to contact his brother. He remembers the old Celtic legend that his elderly neighbor told him before her passing. A thin space is a place where a soulContinue reading “Thin Space: A Book Review”

Two Bottles and a Revelation

This year for my father’s birthday I decided to write a story for him. This is a flash fiction glimpse into the life of a beer drinking priest. I was inspired by my father who loves both beer and God. I hope you enjoy. **************** Two Bottles and a Revelation By Lauren Sisley -To my dadContinue reading “Two Bottles and a Revelation”

Gone Too Far: A Book Review

Title: Gone Too Far Author: Natalie D. Richards Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire Copyright Date: 2015 Ever since I became a member of the central Ohio SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) I’ve been on a quest to read books by Ohio authors. This book was recommended to me by my high school librarian. The author is localContinue reading “Gone Too Far: A Book Review”

The Smoke We Shared

This winter I took part in a writing contest through my online critique group. The prompt for the story was “Two Worlds” and the word limit was 1500 words. This is the story I entered in that contest. The Smoke We Shared By Lauren Sisley The day we buried Archie was gray. I had onlyContinue reading “The Smoke We Shared”

The Art and Craft of Christian Fiction (Week 4)

It was tough to wake up today. My bed was warm and my house was cold. It was one of those days when the moment I sat up I started planning when I was going to catch a nap. This isn’t my typical Saturday morning. Usually I wake up excited about my writing routine and aboutContinue reading “The Art and Craft of Christian Fiction (Week 4)”

The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction (Week 3)

I’m really enjoying this book about the art of writing Christian Fiction. This is the second book by Jeff Gerke that I have read, and I think the man is a genius. I am a writer for many reasons. I choose to spend my time articulating stories because I enjoy it. It’s a hobby thatContinue reading “The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction (Week 3)”

Today at the Amusement Park

*My husband bought me the book Write the Story. It’s a writing practice book which provides a topic and ten words to use in a creative story. I have been trying to complete a story each day as part of my goal of writing 300 words per day. This is definitely unfinished, but I wantedContinue reading “Today at the Amusement Park”

The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction (Week 1)

At some point over the last six months the idea of revamping my original novel to fit under the umbrella of Christian Fiction occurred to me. It is a novel steeped in personal lessons and it traces the rebuilding of a broken relationship. For so long I struggled with what my novel was missing inContinue reading “The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction (Week 1)”