Giving, Publication, and The Last Class

If I could sit in a classroom with Anne Lamott at the board it may take a bit of bribery to coerce me into ever leaving that room. As I finished reading Bird by Bird today I was overwhelmed with sadness. I’m sad to have reached the end of her lessons. I’m sad to beContinue reading “Giving, Publication, and The Last Class”

Writing a Present and Finding Your Voice

It sure was nice to take a few days off this week for Christmas. During that time I was able to unplug and enjoy my time with the people I care about so deeply. I received several gifts which I’m sure I’ll be sharing in the upcoming week and many of those thoughtful gifts wereContinue reading “Writing a Present and Finding Your Voice”

Letters and Writer’s Block

This morning I finished the section, “Help Along the Way,” from Bird by Bird. I’m nearing the end of this book on writing and life. Today’s reading is all about inspiration for writing and where ideas come from. Letters One way we as writers can preserve our sacred stories is to record them in letters toContinue reading “Letters and Writer’s Block”

Writing Groups and Someone to Read Your Drafts

This week in my chapter updates from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott I have decided to discuss my personal experience on the two topics of Writing Groups and Someone to Read Your Drafts. For me, these are two crucial elements for a writer. Here is a look at some of my experience in theseContinue reading “Writing Groups and Someone to Read Your Drafts”

Index Cards and Calling Around

This Saturday I’m multi-tasking. My husband is away at a coach’s training for our daughter’s first basketball season and I’m working on writing while heating up a healthy breakfast and entertaining my Christmas-anxious daughter. Saturday mornings are my favorite. I pour myself a few cups of coffee and sit at the kitchen table where theContinue reading “Index Cards and Calling Around”

Tragedy In Times Square (Part 2)

The month of November is coming to a close. Although I did not participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), I did decide to focus this month on creative writing. As a part of that goal I have developed the premise for two new YA novels: Tragedy in Times Square and The Walk from Winleigh.Continue reading “Tragedy In Times Square (Part 2)”

Radio Station KFKD and Jealousy

This week as I read through two chapters of Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, the two chapters focused on the inner workings of the writer’s mind. More specifically, both deal with negative thought patterns and how to extinguish that inner critic. Every writer goes through a period of negative thoughts and jealousy so these chaptersContinue reading “Radio Station KFKD and Jealousy”

Another Short Story: Tragedy in Times Square (Part 1)

As part of my commitment to fiction writing this month I joined an online critique community. With my membership to the group I get to submit one short story per week to receive feedback. I am so excited about having this weekly opportunity to hear from professionals in the field. I also have access toContinue reading “Another Short Story: Tragedy in Times Square (Part 1)”

The Moral Point of View and Broccoli

This week has been a rewarding one in my writing career. I’ve recently joined an online critique group and have been overwhelmed with the positive and constructive feedback from authors and others aspiring to that title. I’ve met a few writing coaches who have helped me with my letters to agents and I’ve also developedContinue reading “The Moral Point of View and Broccoli”

How Do You Know When You’re Done//Looking Around

Oh, Saturday mornings! The bliss of my week. A couple of hours for me, writing, and coffee. Being a full time teacher makes it hard to carry out my passion for writing on a daily basis, but heaven help you if you come between me and my Saturday mornings. I’ve been storing up a lotContinue reading “How Do You Know When You’re Done//Looking Around”