Prologues: The Irresistible Novel

This Christmas I received a copy of The Irresistible Novel by Jeff Gerke. I’m just getting around to working my way through this book. It’s been perfect for this season of editing as each chapter is centered on an issue in writing. With each chapter the author explores how to add to your own writingContinue reading “Prologues: The Irresistible Novel”

I Wrote a Book?

Whoever said writing was easy was a big fat liar. Writing is difficult. It is so much more than words on a page. Writing contains emotion, creativity, and a lot of time. Lately, the time portion of the equation has been the hardest for me to balance. On December 30, 2015, I finished the firstContinue reading “I Wrote a Book?”

A Short Story About Mermaids

Lately, I’ve been trying to work on honing some of my writing skills by sitting down to craft a short story for a fifteen minutes or so each day. With each story I am focusing on something. Sometimes I choose to focus on characterization and really take time to develop a vivid character. Other ideasContinue reading “A Short Story About Mermaids”

Five Minute Friday: Morning

This week the topic for the Five Minute Friday link-up post is Morning. What is a link-up? Essentially a link-up is when you join other bloggers and write on a similar topic. You share your blog posts with one another and begin conversations via a host site. You can head over to Kate Motaung’s page to check out otherContinue reading “Five Minute Friday: Morning”

The Bionic Neurosurgeon

Just a little fiction to wet your palette. This is a short piece I wrote this week based on a prompt from The Write Practice. It’s a bit random, but was fun to write. The Bionic Neurosurgeon The snowboard landed a few feet from Weston in a mound of thick powdery snow. For a matterContinue reading “The Bionic Neurosurgeon”

24 Book Challenge: A Book Set On a Different Continent

The following is a book review by The Ameri Brit Mom. This is book #1 from The Ameri Brit Mom 24 Book Challenge in 2016. This post expresses the genuine opinion and experiences of The Ameri Brit Mom and is in no way endorsed by authors, publishers, and outside influences. Title: My Grandmother Asked Me toContinue reading “24 Book Challenge: A Book Set On a Different Continent”

Highlighted Monday

This Monday I’ve decided to try something new. I’m a new follower of Rebeca’s blog, Books and Messy Buns. Today she has posted her Highlighted Monday Challenge and I’m going to join in on her literary fun today. The practice of highlighting good pieces of writing is all part of becoming a better writer soContinue reading “Highlighted Monday”

Fan Mail Murder-Draft 2

The following is draft 2 of my short story I’ve written for the contest First Anniversary Beginning Writer. During the first round of submissions I learned many things about the art of short story writing. I’ve done research and reworked the story giving it a new spin and trying to fit it into the genreContinue reading “Fan Mail Murder-Draft 2”

Murder of a Pen Pal

Below is a copy of my first draft of a short story I’ve entered in to a contest for the First Anniversary Beginning Writer. This story has been submitted to the workshop and I have already received extremely valuable feedback from other writers across the country. One thing that I have learned from this processContinue reading “Murder of a Pen Pal”

A Writing Contest

To those of you in my writing community I wanted to tune you into a writing contest opportunity that I am taking part in over the next three weeks. This is a short fiction contest put on by Joe Bunting, editor of the blog, the Write Practice. I find this blog and forum to be reallyContinue reading “A Writing Contest”